Parallel Cursor To Improve Your ABAP Program Performance
Parallel cursor is a technique used in ABAP to enhance the performance of programs, especially when dealing with nested loops
Here’s how it helps:
1.Reduces Full Table Scans: In conventional ABAP, using the LOOP statement with the WHERE clause scans the entire table to find matching key fields. This scanning happens for each row in the outer loop, leading to a high processing time. Parallel cursor helps avoid this by using the READ TABLE statement with BINARY SEARCH to quickly find if an entry exists in the inner table.
2.Optimizes Nested Loops: If you use nested loops or nested selects in your program, it can lead to performance degradation. Parallel cursor technique can be used to increase the performance of the program when there are nested loops.
here is a ready-to-use example of a parallel cursor in ABAP:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | DATA: itab TYPE TABLE OF ty_but000, itab1 TYPE TABLE OF ty_but050, v_tabix TYPE sy-tabix. " Assume itab and itab1 are filled with data SORT itab BY field1. SORT itab1 BY field1. LOOP AT itab INTO DATA(wa). READ TABLE itab1 INTO DATA(wa1) WITH KEY field1 = wa-field1 BINARY SEARCH. v_tabix = sy-tabix. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. LOOP AT itab1 INTO wa1 FROM v_tabix. IF wa1-field1 NE wa-field1. EXIT. ENDIF. " It will loop from that index ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. |