Important Tables in SAP SD ( Sales & Distribution ) Module

The chart categorizes various tables used under SAP SD module with different sections such as Customer Master, Business Partner, Billing, Output, Material Master, Sales Order, Pricing, and Delivery. Each section provides the table names and their descriptions. 

Here's a brief overview of the sections: -

Customer Master: Contains tables like KNA1 (General Data), KNB1 (Company Code Data), KNVV (Sales Area Data), and others related to customer information.

Business Partner: Includes tables such as BUT000 (BP General Data), BUT001 (BP General Data II), and more, dealing with business partner data.

Billing: Lists tables like VBRK (Header Data) and VBRP (Item Data) related to billing information.

Output: Contains the NAST table for output related to sales orders, delivery, and billing.

Material Master: Includes tables like MARA (General Data), MVKE (Sales Data), and others related to material information. 

Sales Order: Lists tables such as VBAK (Header Data), VBAP (Item Data), and more, pertaining to sales order data.

Pricing: Contains the PRCD_Elements table for pricing data.

Delivery: Includes tables like LIKP (Header Data) and LIPS (Item Data) related to delivery information. 

This chart is useful for SAP users to quickly reference and understand the purpose of different tables within SAP SD module.

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